jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

A photograph

Hi everyone!
I'd like to talk to you about this photo, and what it means to me, it's kind of hard doing it, but as i'm being extremely sentimental these days (or depressed, whatever) i'm taking this as my therapy. I hope you won't mind.
So this picture was taken on my birthday on 2008, and even though my brother is making a funny face, and he'll probably be pissed if he founds out i'm posting this for you to see, it is a very important moment for me, you see this was the last birthday i spent with my father, he passed away in August of 2009 and this is one of the last photos i have with him, or actually it's the last one we have as a family.
I know i said i was being sentimental, but it's in a good way, i know he's better now, and we are too, i mean, he's not suffering from cancer anymore and he's somehow free.  
Well i don't know if i'm making any sense now, so all i have to say is that it was a really good birthday, a day i'll always remember, and that i hope we'll be toghether again one day.

3 comentarios:

  1. try to remember your father with joy. It´s very sad what yoy write, but life continues and the show must go on. I hope you get better in this days.

  2. It's a good therapy. Keep doing that, remember him, he must be happy about what you do and missing you too.

  3. is a really nice picture, you look just like your father, do not be sad ;)
