jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

A photograph

Hi everyone!
I'd like to talk to you about this photo, and what it means to me, it's kind of hard doing it, but as i'm being extremely sentimental these days (or depressed, whatever) i'm taking this as my therapy. I hope you won't mind.
So this picture was taken on my birthday on 2008, and even though my brother is making a funny face, and he'll probably be pissed if he founds out i'm posting this for you to see, it is a very important moment for me, you see this was the last birthday i spent with my father, he passed away in August of 2009 and this is one of the last photos i have with him, or actually it's the last one we have as a family.
I know i said i was being sentimental, but it's in a good way, i know he's better now, and we are too, i mean, he's not suffering from cancer anymore and he's somehow free.  
Well i don't know if i'm making any sense now, so all i have to say is that it was a really good birthday, a day i'll always remember, and that i hope we'll be toghether again one day.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

On vacations, and out of God knows where, i came up with the idea that i wanted to learn another language, Italian to be more precise. As i knew a course would be expensive and it would require a lot of time, something that i honestly don't have right now, I kind of left the idea aside. But then, a few weeks ago, my uncle told my brother about an English course you can do on your own called Rosetta Stone, according to him it's the best you can find in USA and he told him that if he could find it here, he would buy it for him. As always, he asked me to look for it.

Searching on the internet, i found that it aims to teach you a lenguaje in a natural way, like a child that's learning to speak, by asociating images and sounds, and repeating it over and over, with simple exercises like identifying what the speaker says, etc.
Now the real surprise for me was that there's a lot of languages availables for this program. Pretty much every language you can think of,it has it.

Sadly, i can not tell you if it's on sale in Chile, cause i found it hacked first, and frankly i got bored looking for it, and i can not tell you either if it works as good as it promises (not now at least) for I'm only on the first lesson.

Anyway, i thought it was something worth sharing, and i hope it serves you if you decide to try it.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

So I've always wanted to travel, to visit new and beautiful places. But there's one that i found very attractive, and some sort of magical too.
I don't remember exactly when it was that i've been wanted to go to Ireland, but it has some of the most amazing views i can recall, it just doesn't seem real.
The way nature takes over buildings, bridges and pretty much everything in one place, and then, in another you may find huge castles, quiet lakes, stone sidewalks in the middle of a field, like suddenly you're transported to a different time or place where there are all sort of creatures like leprechauns and fairys in every corner.

Well, i think i might have exaggerated but that's what i feel watching the pictures, like you're in the middle earth and an elf or a hobbit could show up any minute, or being more realistic i suppose, that the guy from braveheart (it was filmed there) or robin hood could do, and i know they are from another countries but you get the idea right?

To finish, i'll leave you some other photos i found on line, so you can see what i meant.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

A book I recommend

A few years ago, I bought a book called "La séptima M" it was written in 2006 by a Chilean writer, a really young one i must add (she's about 28 now). Her name is Francisca Solar and as i understand she started her carreer writing fan-fictions based on Harry Potter books and The X Files tv show.
The book has something of that, it's about a forensic doctor investigating the suicide of 6 teenagers in Aysen, in a Town called "Puerto Fake". Everyone living there refuses to talk about the deaths of these kids, arguing that it's just depression or a pact with evil forces, cause they all have a scar shaped as a letter M on their necks. I remember i got caught up with this book and the ending was something i never expected. So if you like these genre i think this book's at least worth considering.
I found out now, looking for some information on the author, that she has released a sequel of this book in 2011 called "El Hada de las Cadenas" and she has signed up to write 3 more.