So i chose Jared Leto, he is an actor, singer, songwriter, front man of a band called "30 seconds to mars" where he also plays guitar, bass, piano, and he has directed and produced some of the band's videos under the name of "Bartholomew Cubbins". So as you can see, he would be a really interesting person to meet, leaving the handsome part aside.
He is a very dedicated (a little bit obsessive) professional, he has been in movies like Urban Legend, Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War, etc, and he has no problem with changing the way he looks for a role, for example, he gained more than 30 k. to play John Lennon's killer in "Chapter 27" and recently he lost weight to play the role of a HIV-positive transsexual woman in a movie called "the Dallas Buyers Club" as you can see in these pictures taken by photographer Terry Richardson.

He has won many awards, as an actor, a musician, director, and also for being the "Sexiest Men", but in between all of this, he and his band have helped many organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and J/P Haitian Relief Organization, being Haiti a real concern for them, specially after the earthquake, also he has supported causes to stop animal cruelty and they released a website called were you can find information and ways to participate in environmental activities or donate to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
I'll leave you a video directed by Jared, and as pretty much all of their videos, it is like a short film, this is the first one he directed, and the first one i saw, it´s based on "The Shining" movie.

He has won many awards, as an actor, a musician, director, and also for being the "Sexiest Men", but in between all of this, he and his band have helped many organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and J/P Haitian Relief Organization, being Haiti a real concern for them, specially after the earthquake, also he has supported causes to stop animal cruelty and they released a website called were you can find information and ways to participate in environmental activities or donate to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
I'll leave you a video directed by Jared, and as pretty much all of their videos, it is like a short film, this is the first one he directed, and the first one i saw, it´s based on "The Shining" movie.
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